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Want to KICKSTART your ANXIETY RELIEF journey with my SUCCESSFULL clinical methods? 



This Freedom from Anxiety Kickstarter program has been designed to give you the opportunity to try each of the main training pillars I use to give ALL my clients successful anxiety relief! 


When you are anxious it can be so difficult to commit to a life changing program can't it? I get it! So this is why I have created the Kickstarter program, so you can have a low risk way of investing in yourself and your life without anxiety!  

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What you will learn:

  • How to begin a life changing anxiety journey that works
  • What an anxiety relief road map looks like and why you need one for you to follow to stay on track
  • What tools you will need to be able to feel anxiety empowered.
  • What nutrition has to do with your anxiety
  • How your physiology helps and hinders you and how to work with that. 
  • The Powerful Mind-body connection and how to use this to find your calm.
  • Find out what essential mindfulness techniques will work for you.
  • How to embedd new calm seeking strategies into your daily routine for the rest of your life. 
  • The difference between an anxiety tool that works and one that works for YOU 
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This course has 21 lessons in 4 modules and is jampacked with practical content that will really support you to be less anxious!