Sam Adkins

The Anxiety Freedom Library

"Wow, wow, wow.....anytime I feel anxiety challenged i search in Sam's Anxiety Library and use one of the resources. They are simple yet powerful!" 

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The Anxiety Freedom Library

The Anxiety Freedom Library is my Anxiety Specialist vault of expert anxiety knowledge. This vault has been built up over a decade and consists of effective training and specialised resources that have been created for anxiety sufferers just like you. New resources are added as they are created, and so the Anxiety Library is a place to go to get extra help and support for your anxiety. 

When you purchase the entire anxiety library you will get 7 modules, with up to 12 lessons. New resources are added all the time and currently the modules are as follows: 

  • Nutrition
  • Mindfulness
  • Insomnia
  • Overthinking and Overwhelm
  • Anxiety Tools
  • Self Care
  • Webinars and Anxiety Q&As

Get Lifetime Access to my Anxiety Library for $299 USD

Total due $197

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